I began working full time again at the end of August for the first time in a year. This is both great and sad news at the same time. Great, because I don’t like staying home all day, but sad because I had soo much more time to write and read last spring than I am finding I have right now.
That’s okay, I like to be active and out of the house.
Now it’s time for WWW Wednesday. This meme is hosted by Sam over at Taking on a World of Words. If you want to, join in and create your own post, then leave your link at her blog when you’ve posted it. This is a weekly meme, but I’ve decided to do mine monthly.
So, What am I currently reading?
ARC copies of A time to Rise by Nadine Brandes and Aboard Providence.
I was offered an ARC of A Harmony for Steve but I could not, in good concious take it because 1) I would have had to read THREE books in that 4 book series within about 2 weeks, which I just don’t have time to do, and 2) I already committed to the 2 aforementioned ARCs to read and review.
What have I finished reading?
“flicks back in the blog to the August Wrap Up.”
“inspects kindle app”
“scratches head”
Do about twenty different children’s books count? I read some amazing and super cute ones. Some of my new favorites: Pinkalicious and the New Teacher, and Don’t let the Pigeon stay up late. Cute books!
See, I told you a long time ago, I don’t read that fast. Either that, or I am just plain picky, and there’s also the fact that i have no mula to buy books at the moment.
What do you plan to read next?
Valor’s Vigal by Hallee Bridgeman
A Harmony for Steve: By Hallee Bridgeman.
Well, before I read A Harmony for Steve, I should probably pick up An Aria for Nick, as that’s #2 in the series.
So, friends, what are you reading?? Let me know below!
I’m currently rereading some Harry Potter but I’m jumping into some much anticipated new sequels in October!
Happy Reading, friend 🙂
It’s hard to work and read! I’ve resorted to a lot of audiobooks to get some reading done with a busy schedule. Happy reading and thanks for participating in WWW Wednesday!