
This blog hop is hosted by Sam over at A World Of Words. Link up by commenting on Sam’s post for this week, and just answer these three questions.


41xifzflvql-_sy346_What am I currently reading?

Finding Fireflies. A Contemporary christian romance. It’s okay so far…sort of slow…

Still reading Outlander and Can’t Help Falling. Mainly because I keep forgetting to bring my paperback Can’t Help Falling with me when I go to work 🙂




What have I finished reading?

I recently finished reading The Wedding Shop. So excited. I love Rachel Hauck’s books. They’re wonderfully, beautifully written. None of her books disappoint.

I have a book review up for The Wedding Dress here (the previous book in the 3 book series.  Great historical romances that won’t disappoint.



I recently finished up both a beta read of Captain’s Fortune, and an ARC read of Above Rubies by Keely Keith Brooks. Both were great reads.

I just finished Love’s Violet Sunrise by Naomi Rawlings. Cute historical fiction novella with a great suspenseful albeit predictable plot, but I found it enjoyable. I discovered it’s part of a series of standalones and I’m thoroughly intrigued and will search these out in the future.


What will I read next?

I’ve picked up quite a few books on sale and for free in the last few weeks. I also signed up for my library ebook borrowing program now that I have a kindle again. (My first kindle broke and so I went 2 years without one).  So I’ve borrowed several books already.

So. Many. Good. Books. Usually I love supporting authors and encourage others to do the same, but sometimes, it’s awesome when they’re free 🙂

First I need to finish Can’t Help Falling. 😀

What are you reading this week? Leave me a comment, and a link to your WWW post!



7 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday: March Wrap Up

  1. I’m not familiar with any of these but I do like the cover Finding Fireflies. It’s simple, but cute. Hope you end up enjoying it!

    1. It’s amazing. I read good reviews when it came out as well. I think I liked it better than The Wedding Shop, although they were both good in their own right. I just preferred the characters in The Wedding Dress 🙂

  2. I’ve never read Rachel Hauck, but The Wedding Shop caught my eye…primarily because I’m off to the beach tomorrow to attend my daughter’s beach wedding.

    Enjoy your reading…and thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. Seeing you mention Outlander really reminded me I should pick up this series at some point this year! I’ve been wanting to read it for ages, although it’s kind of intimidating. I hope you will enjoy your books this weke and happy reading!

    1. The first book in the Outlander series is very slow in the beginning. Many people have told me the 2nd book is better. I’m sure there’s a whole bunch of setting up and foreshadowing. I can already see some subtle foreshadowing going on. It’s just SLOW. lol I suppose by contemporary reader standards. It didn’t even come out that long ago did it? ‘shrugs’ But it has everything I love. Time travel, historical romance so I’m game.

      1. I think I tried the beginning once a year or two ago, but couldn’t get into it because of the slow pace… It’s definitely something I have to be in the mood for, but I’m determined to give it another shot. I hope you will enjoy the rest of it!

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