Happy August everyone! It’s time for WWW Wednesday.
This meme is hosted by Sam over at Taking on a World of Words. If you join in and create your own post, then leave your link at her blog when you’ve posted it. This is a weekly meme, but I’ve decided to do mine monthly, because I usually never read this much!
What I’m currently reading:
A melody for James: by Hallee Bridgeman. I’m almost done with this one. Delightfully romantic throughout the first half, and then it turned into much more of a suspenseful ride for the last half of the book.
Seek and Hide: Amanda G. Stevens.
I won this from a blog giveaway. I almost didn’t want to read this one because such an incredibly realistic premise scared me so much. To think she wrote this long ago (If you think about how long it takes to write, edit and publish books) and to think about how the world is progressing, and how our country is progressing, is freaky. But I plowed into it and it has been fun to read. Stevens is an extremely talented writer.
Looking for Alaska by John Green: YA has always intrigued me, but just straight YA isn’t as interesting anymore. I prefer dystopian, but I love romance of course. The development of romance in this story is slow though.
What I have finished reading
Amber alert: Linda K Rodante. Romantic and suspenseful. Enjoyable 🙂 Book Review is here.
Grace’s Ground War and Mission of Mercy: #5 and 6 of the Virtues and Valor series.
I have reviewed Gracie’s Ground War. The Mission of Mercy review will probably be up next week.
Almost done with the Virtues and Valor series. I’m seriously knotted up right now as so many of the characters’ lives are hanging in the balance and #6 left of almost exactly where #5 left off (just from a different POV).
Also I finished up beta reading a fantasy. Fun stuff. Of COURSE it ended on a cliff hanger!
What I will read next
Pretty sure I will be finishing up this series as soon as possible.
Flight of Faith and Valor’s Vigal #7 and #8 are the only 2 left.
What are you reading? Have you read any of the books I’m reading? Let me know in the comments!
Just the cover of Seek and Hide freaks me out! I don’t know if I could have read it with what you said. I hope your next reads are more upbeat!
My WWW: http://www.anovelglimpse.com/2016/08/03/www-wednesday-august-3-2016/
It’s not a political thriller, it’s about Christianity being illegal in the US. However, the storyline is much more tame than the tagline and blurb let on. 🙂 It’s a good, emotional read though. Definitely makes you question and ponder your faith and perhaps other peoples’ views on it
Sorry Looking for Alaska didn’t do it for you. I loved the suspense of the ‘Days Before’ titles. Happy reading and thanks for participating in WWW Wednesday!
I like Looking for Alaska, but it’s one of those novels I kind of will read slowly. I don’t hate it. I think other more interesting books are on top and that one was a gift and not a choice I made lol.