
Thanks to Taking on a World of Words for hosting this weekly blog hop where readers all gather to share what they’ve been reading and want to read next. You can absolutely join in by visiting her blog and leaving a comment answering the following 3 questions.

What did I finish reading?

Finally, I had the chance to finish Valor’s Vigil, which is #8 in the Virtues and Valor series. Overall, I enjoyed the series, and Valor’s story was very intriguing as it brought all of the pieces together in this WWII historical fic series that centers on a team of women (and one man named valor) who work undercover in Occupied France. I didn’t really find the ending  realistic, but it was a good story nonetheless, and not a terrible ending for a novella. Novella endings are tricky, IMO. Sometimes they’re the most abrupt endings in the world which bugs me 🙂

Also I finished a book by Naomi Rawlings called Love’s Unfading light. Another historical fic romance. (As I’ve mentioned, I love my historical fic books :)) Lovely romantic story based around two people who live in a small town with a lighthouse on Lake Superior.

What am I currently reading?

Finally I am reading A Love like Ours by Becky Wade. (Porter family #3) I’ve been waiting over five months to purchase this book. Glad I finally picked it up..

Also I am currently reading Can’t Help Falling by Kara Isaac. It’s interesting, a bit slow starting, not as funny (so far) as her first debut novel, which was just so downright comical in the beginning. (The premise and all)

What do I plan to read next?

“scans her very long TBR lists from multiple sights….hmmmm’

Since I have a gift card, I think I’m going to purchase the first book in the Outlander series. Yes, Yes, I know i’m like…13 years too late on this. Anyone who has read the series, please let me know what you think! It sounds highly intriguing with every single aspect I love.. Romance, time travel, and historical fiction. What could be more intriguing????

Another one I’m highly interested in purchasing is An Aria for Nick by Hallee Bridgeman, because it’s the 2nd in the Song of Suspense series, and the first one was wonderful.

So tell me, what are you reading?

You can check out some of my book reviews below for many of the series I’ve mentioned in this post!

Virtues and Valor series

Temperance’s Trial 

Homeland’s hope

Charity’s Code

A Parcel for Prudence

Grace’s Ground War

Mission of Mercy

Song of Suspense Series

A melody for James

The Porter Family Series

Undeniably yours #1

Meant to be Mine #2

Her one and Only #4




3 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday January Wrap up

  1. Great books it seems, my dear! I only read Outlander for the first time two years ago. I preferred the sequel (Dragonfly in Amber) but I hope you enjoy discovering it for the first time!
    Happy Reading 🙂

  2. I wasn’t a big fan of Outlander but I’m not a big romance fan. I still want to see the show, though! Happy reading and thanks for participating in WWW Wednesday!

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