Just so you know it’s way to bladklajdflja;df hot here for the end of August/beginning of September. So I’ve been reading instead of going outside. Unless I’m required to. Like. you know, for work :/

What I’ve read

At First Sight: Pure Amore: Sweet Romance, Pure Enjoyment by [Latham, Delia]

I finished a christian romance called At first sight, which was…exactly what the title said. At least you knew what you were getting into when you began the story. It was okay. I didn’t like the ending because I thought it was a tad unrealistic. I’m very picky about how books end.





Also I finished this awesome book written by my actual English professor. ) Let the water hold me down: By Michael Spurgeon (pst I know him!)


This book is shocking. Not a book for children, not for the faint of heart. (It gets violent) It’s quite interesting how he really builds up the suspense for over half the book. At first, It was slow for me but after a handful of chapters things began to pick up. I was freaking out at the end, like WHAT! I’m usually not a fan of violence. However, a well-written story is a well-written story,. Great book. Go check it out, if that is your thing.

What I am currently reading

Marking time: The immortal Descendents book 1: By April White

This book is awesome. In my opinion, it’s clean for a young adult book. That is, there’s no sex, (yet) there’s no drugs, no alcohol, no insane violence, and only a smattering of curse words and no f words. I’ve read some YA books that think it’s cool to use the F word and I’m like….why? DNF.

Also, it’s a historical fiction, action adventure, with a bit of romance, about Time travelers, Werewolves, Animal shifters, Seers, vampires that are NOT SPARKLY AND PRETTY (ok he’s handsome but not like…that. Anyway)

What will I read next?

I keep saying I’m going to read one thing, and then end up reading another thing, so I don’t even know how to answer this question anymore lol.

At the top of my TBR pile.

An Aria for Nick: By Hallee Bridgeman


Pulse: By L. Burkard

My grandmother asked me to tell you she’s sorry: Fredrik Backman

I’m sure there’s others, but those are the ones I’ve been waiting to read for a while.

Your turn: what have you read this last month? What do you want to read next?

Thanks to Taking on a World of words for hosting this blog hop once a week. I usually do mine once a month, but if you ever want to find awesome and interesting books, check out the main post here.