WWW Wednesday is hosted by Taking on a world of words. A weekly meme where we book nerds talk about what we’re reading and all that fun stuff. Though I usually ad mine in bi-weekly, or monthly…

What did I finish reading
To protect and serve – A contemporary Christian romance by Staci Stallings
Man – if there weren’t so many typos and duplicate words, this book would have been so much better. Overall the story was fine, except for a bit of repetitive scenes that rehashed the same problem over and over. I really would not have minded. But so many terrible grammar mistakes and poor sentence structure….eck. If it did go through editing, (I’m sure it did have some editing done) Then the author needs to find a new editor.

I always tell myself – Maybe it’s because it’s in ebook form….

Although on a more positive note, the 2nd book chapter excerpt sounded 100% better than the 1st book overall ha! Not that I’m willing to chance paying for it.

What am I currently reading

Well – as soon as I find the gift card I got for my birthday that I already lost (ah!) I am buying The Choice by Amanda Tru and A time to die by Nadine Brandes and a couple more perhaps….

What am I planning to read next
After those 2 books I say I am currently reading because I had ALREADY planned on being in the thick of them…The next ones on my TBR list are, Emergence, and the Restorer’s Son, Book 2 of the Sword of Lyric series.

Onward to WiPpet Wednesday.

I am currently going through and dissecting each scene in my 2nd MS. So not as fun as writing. But I do have a handful of things to rewrite (which is more fun than editing and outlining anyway.)

So….I COMPLETELY forgot to insert a second parter into a 2 part WIP excerpt series I posted some time ago. My apologies!! Newbie blogger mistake.

So Part 1 of this excerpt can be found here.

The rundown of part 1: An excerpt from Second Chances: Lacey and Jessica are in trouble, but what kind of trouble exactly are they in?

Here’s the 2nd part for you.  02/03 = 5 paragraphs.

            “Is it midnight yet?” Jessica’s voice slurred.

“Not yet,” Lacey tried to maintain control of her shaking voice as she snagged a cold fry from the half-eaten chili cheese fries that she’d purchased half an hour ago. This was absolutelynot like Jessica. This was the first time they’d been to a club together, since she’d just turned twenty-one in August; but for the last two years, they’d partied elsewhere, and Jessica could hold her liquor better than most people Lacey knew. She’d always been full of energy, dancing late into the night no matter how much alcohol she consumed.

Something is wrong.

“All I want to do is dance. Why can’t I dance?” The tone in Jessica’s voice indicated that she could tell something was wrong, too.

“I know, Hon.” Helplessness overwhelmed her, sending fear coursing through her veins.  She checked her phone and sent a text message to Jenna to see if she’d talked with Jay yet. It’d been half an hour since their conversation.

There you have it. You may very well be able to figure out what’s going on. Predictions are welcome in the comments!!

Thank you Emily for hosting WIPpet Wednesday. A great place for writers to share WIP excerpts with each other.

Until next week!



9 thoughts on “WWW and WIPet Wednesday – Feb 3rd.

  1. I’m sorry the typos distracted you for enjoying the book. That’s the worst! I hate being distracted by something that should have been edited out. Happy reading and thanks for participating in WWW Wednesday!

  2. I’m always fearful that my first book published will have a typo even if it’s undergone hundreds of reviews and edits. I suppose one or two wouldn’t be too bad, but a series of them would be distracting to be sure.
    Perhaps something was slipped into her drink… That’s just a guess though. Whatever is going on, I am intrigued to find out how this story continues.
    Thanks for sharing 🙂

  3. I’m glad Jessica has Lacey there, and that Lacey knows something is wrong and has a phone! Don’t let her wander off, Lacey!

    I’d love to hurry up and start e-publishing, but I am taking my time precisely because I don’t want anyone to say what you did about what I offer. Better to take the time, pay the money, and be as sure as I can be before I take that leap of faith.

    1. lol right!! that’s exactly how I feel. Now i know people can fix typing errors, but there are other mistakes that hasty publishing creates. Sometimes it’s good to have a pro editor sweep through your book if you want to self-publish. If I do go that route, I am definitely going to save up for a pro editor. Thank you for the compliments 🙂

  4. Ugh, yeah, as others have said, not much worse than a poorly edited book that otherwise showed promise. I’ve read a couple lately that have had formatting issues, but I have a feeling in those cases it may have been the ebook file that was at fault, so I’m giving the benefit of the doubt.

    Great excerpt – sounds like someone’s drink was spiked. Jessica’s lucky she’s got someone there to look after her.

    1. Thanks for the compliment! I don’t mind formatting issues unless they’re extremely distracting. Yep everyone needs a friend like that. Writing her was an interesting journey. She wasn’t even suppose to be a big deal in the first MS. She took on a life of her own. 🙂

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