WIPpet Wednesday – Jan 13th

I feel like it’s taken me literally 2 weeks to get over the chaos of the holidays. Right after New Year’s, it rained for 5 days (nearly). Normally I love the rain. I really, really do. Just not when I’m stuck with kids in the house all day. 🙂

I have 13 paragraphs for your reading pleasure today. Because i like to post long WIP excerpts 🙂

Some context: This excerpt doesn’t give you a description of the setting, as it’s done earlier in the writing. Jay and Jenna are standing in a hallway. They’re coming from a New Year’s Eve church event.

“Lacey called me—she’s in trouble.”

“What happened?” His heart leaped forward; his whole body ached with worry.

“Her friend is the one in trouble, actually. But she’s stuck…” Jenna began to explain that Lacey had called her, upset because Jessica appeared to be so drunk she couldn’t walk, and it was only ten o’clock. She had no way of getting either of them home, since Jessica was the one that drove. “She’s worried about Jessica. She says this has never happened before.” Jay’s shoulders relaxed and he murmured a prayer of thanksgiving to God that no harm had come to Lacey—not yet anyway

“We can go get her, no problem. Let’s go.” He hurried toward the exit, going over the bus routes in his head that led to downtown, or wherever she was at, completely forgetting how late it was. Jenna grabbed his arm to stop him. “Where are they at?” he asked before she could say anything.

“She is really, really worried about Joel finding out. She doesn’t want him to be angry. And if I know Joel, he will be.”

“Don’t worry, I can keep a secret,” he assured her. What’s one more secret… He strode a couple more steps toward the door, but halted when Jenna sat down on a bench, her blue eyes glistening with tears. He strode back over toward her, stuffing his hands in his pockets, inhaling to reign in his impatience. “She’s going to be all right, Jenna. They both will be.”

“She was crying…when she called—I thought something was really wrong…” No kidding. I would have felt the same way, hearing her crying.

“But she’s fine.” Jay reminded her—and himself. “She’s okay.”

“You’re right,” Jenna inhaled, then let out a long breath, standing up.

“Why did you come to me?”

“She asked me to,” she replied, still taking breaths to calm down. “I couldn’t go to Joel, or Matt. I didn’t want to go alone.”

He nodded, wiggling his fingers within his pockets, resisting the urge to grab her arm and drag her out the doors toward the parking lot.

“Okay… let’s go. We can take my car.”

What’s going on with Jessica and Lacey? ?

Come back next week to find out.

For those of you who don’t know, WIPpet Wednesday is a great group of writers who have gotten together to share excerpts from their Works in progress. If you’re a writer, you’re welcome to join in. The link to post your own excerpt is here.

Oh – one quick announcement. I JOINED TWITTER! Lord, help me, I have no idea what I’m doing. Well – maybe a little.

When Twitter first came out, I never thought in a million years I would join. But here I am. Follow me if you so choose. One of the reasons I changed my mind about Twitter is so that I can more easily communicate with blogger/writer/author friends, while maintaining an author/writer profile. My Facebook page is more about my personal every day life etc. etc. I complain and gripe more there :/. As soon as I send out my first MS, I hope to create an author Facebook profile too. One step at a time.

Happy Wednesday!

  1. ReGi McClain

    January 13, 2016 at 8:13 pm

    >.< The situations people get themselves into and the desperate scrambles to get them out. How yucky. I love that Jay is so eager and willing to help.

    Quick little thing spellcheck wont' catch for you: where you have "reign in his impatience," it should be "rein."

    1. ReGi McClain

      January 13, 2016 at 8:14 pm

      Brain going too fast for my fingers, again. 😛

      1. authorswilliams

        January 13, 2016 at 9:04 pm

        Sticky situations yep. Well he’s quite taken and doesn’t want anything to happen to Lacey.

    2. authorswilliams

      January 13, 2016 at 9:01 pm

      Thanks! !! I try to stay aware but always confuse the 2

      1. ReGi McClain

        January 14, 2016 at 10:27 pm

        It’s just one of those things. When your fingers are flying, they’ll just type the letters they’re more familiar with.

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Sara Beth Williams