2 things I love: Sales and Giveaways.

Have I ever told you how much I love Black Friday? I am a brave soul. I’ve gone out shopping many times, and have had some fun experiences, both in the early morning rush, and just throughout the day.

I love buying jeans on Black Friday especially, and clothes in general. Some years I stock up on all my jeans for the year. One year I stood in line for 3 hours in the freezing cold and saved $200 on a brand new laptop. Another year, my husband and sister-in-law stood in line for several hours at Best Buy where my awesome amazing hubby bought me my first Kindle (this was either the 1st or 2nd year it debuted I think!)

Of course in recent years, Black Friday has greatly expanded and resulted in massive online sales throughout the whole week! Guess what my favorite thing to buy is now? BOOKS. Guess what’s on sale This Black Friday?? Lots of books! INCLUDING…

A Worthy Heart!!


Black Friday 2020 A Worthy Heart

 Buy A Worthy Heart


If you know someone who loves heartwarming, authentic romance and hasn’t picked up When Hearts Collide or A Worthy Heart yet, you can check both of them out on Kindle over the weekend. Both are in Kindle Unlimited as well!

Do you love or hate Black Friday? Why?

What is your favorite thing to shop for on Black Friday, or Cyber Monday?