white flower PCMKY

Is it actually June already? I’m shocked at how fast this year has flown by.

Positive stuff that’s going on in my life.

  • This was my daughter’s last week of preschool. Next fall she’ll be going into TK (transitional kindergarten)
  • I won ANOTHER BOOK GIVEAWAY from Faith Rivens’ blog. I think I should lay off entering so many raffles for a bit. Unless it’s something like a Kindle Fire or tablet or…a trip somewhere…a concert? (resists the urge to complain)
  • So one of my favorite authors Hallee Bridgeman offered up ALL 8 of her Virtues of Valor books for FREE on Memorial Day. I should add, ONLY for Memorial Day. And guess what time I noticed the offer? 10:30pm. YEY FREE BOOKS!
  • Aw I forgot to add a couple sorry!! My 10 month old went swimming in the pool for the FIRST TIME. Awwww
  • I’m so proud of all my husband has accomplished and even though his job as a special ed teacher this year was hard, he did a great job, and the parents of the students loved him enough to give him gifts throughout the year, not just once, but multiple times, including a going away bag of goodies. That was fun listening to him tell me about the end of school party with his parents and students :

1 thought on “Positive happenings: Week 3

  1. So much to celebrate! Goodness is rewarded in so many ways. Apparently yours will be a perpetuity of books <3
    That is such an amazing job that your husband does! And it's great that you feel proud of him for all he's accomplished with those students.
    Hope many more positive things follow this week!

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