Top 10 Twitter Hashtags for writers

If you are a writer, whether traditionally published, self-published, or still waiting to be published, Twitter is where you need to be.

I’ll admit, I never knew the potential that Twitter could offer. But if you know how to use it, Twitter can easily be your best friend. It takes a bit to get your bearings. Hopefully this post will help you. The best way to most effectively utilize Twitter is by knowing how to use Hashtags.

Hashtags bring people with common interests together. It’s like a party or a game, for like-minded folks, where you can meet new people, and new people can meet you. This is one way you gain followers. You don’t particularly gain followers by spamming people with your book links. Sometimes there is a time and a place to promote your books. But most of the time, people hate that. BTW don’t ever buy followers.  A complete and utter waste of your time. If you are a writer, you want to build an audience of people who know you, who you can connect with.

Here are the Top 10 Twitter hashtags that all writers should join!


I’m inclined to add this because it is probably the most popular hashtag out there for writers. Basically, anyone who writes tends to tag their tweets with this. If they are writing.  It’s very popular, and if you are so inclined to click on the hashtag when in twitter, you’ll find a million people who are ‘writing’. Great way to search out other writer friends. Many people post inspirational encouraging tweets as well for writers.


Refer to the first hashtag. These 2 are extremely popular. I’ve noticed if you click in it within twitter, you’ll find a lot of useful blog posts on editing/writing, encouraging tweets, humorous tweets, etc


This hashtag is open to writers of all genres. Hosted by @RWAKissofDeath, participants post one tweet from their work in progress @RWAKissofDeath posts a weekly theme. Sometimes people post more than one tweet. The writing community is very generous and very kind, and will like and retweet frequently. But it is quite a popular event, so your tweet could get lost. I think that’s why some people post multiple lines at different times per day.


Another similar hashtag where people post tweets from their work in progress. It also follows a weekly theme. This is definitely fun as well and again, writers are always quick to like and some will retweet.


This event is AWESOME. Led by Bethany A Jennings (@simmeringmind) this event occurs every 2 months. Writers come together and follow/answer daily prompts. Every day you tweet about your work in progress, and other writers are more than happy to like and retweet. It’s not as big as #1linewed AND you are there everyday (if you choose to be) so people will get to know who you are through your WIP. It’s great because you can gain followers and friends. I’ve had a hard time gaining friends in my particular genre, but friends who WRITE is a great step in the right direction. BY THE WAY WIPjoy starts back up in JUNE.

#WQOTD (writer question of the day)

Started by K. M. Weiland. She asks a question about writing, and people answer. It’s fun!


Founded by A. B. Funkhauser (@iamfunkhauser) For Indie/trad published authors – a place to showcase your releases. THIS is where you can post buy links. If you are published, this is a great hashtag to join in!


A great chat for writers hosted by Faye of on Sundays at 3:00pm EST. Writers can join in and get to know one another. They chat about the writing process, sometimes ask for help. I have several friends who are a part of this group and love it

#mswl (manuscript wish list)

This is the hashtag to peruse if you are looking for an agent. It’s like a cyber coffee shop where agents hang out and talk about exactly what they’re looking for. Obviously you have to go through their site to properly submit anything, but this is a great place to keep up on the most current trends in writing and publishing.


This is another little corner of twitter useful to those writers who are always trying to learn more. Writers or editors or agents will post tips or famous writer quotes. Again, this is a good place to peruse, not only to find good advice, but to acquaint yourself with some big names or more experienced names in the writing industry..

There are a myriad of other twitter hashtags for writers! Much more than just these 10.

If you know of any that you love to frequent, peruse, or of new ones that I didn’t mention, let people know in the comments!!

Before you go!

Check out these other i articles. You NEED TO READ if you are going to use Twitter effectively!

A writer’s week on Twitter: Script Alchemy

How I gained my first 1000 Twitter Followers: StoryPort
















  1. Brianna da Silva

    May 30, 2016 at 9:40 am

    Hey, Sara! Thanks so much for the pingback! ^_^ This is a great list of hashtags. A few of these are new for me. O.O I definitely need to try them out!

  2. S.K. Nicholls

    May 31, 2016 at 6:06 am

    Here’s another one for crime writers:
    We’re talking crime!!!
    Join us Wed. 6/1 @ 3pm EDT on Twitter for ‪#‎ACrimeChat‬
    1st Topic: Crime Scenes – investigation, procedure, writing convincing crime scenes, any question regarding crime scenes is open for discussion.
    Writers: Send in your questions anytime between now and then. Got a question for a detective, coroner, firearms expert, profiler, crime writer? No problem. We’ve got several pros in the group.
    Should be a great time. Early questions get answered first. Don’t forget to include the hashtag #ACrimeChat.
    See you there!

  3. M. L. Kappa

    May 31, 2016 at 6:07 am

    Great list, thanks! Must try, I’m so behind on this kind of thing. Gaaahhh

    1. S B Williams

      May 31, 2016 at 10:10 am

      A little at a time is the best thing. Don’t jump in all at once. 🙂

  4. Mysticalwriter

    May 31, 2016 at 10:55 am

    Reblogged this on Mysticalwriter and commented:
    Are you using hashtags? Here is a post from

  5. faithrivens

    June 2, 2016 at 2:13 pm

    These are great! Thanks for sharing the list of them. It’s a brilliant post <3

  6. Tori Kayson

    June 7, 2016 at 11:53 am

    Love, love, LOVE #hashtags! My husband calls me the hashtag queen. lol. Great list, Sara Beth. Heading to Twitter in a few to check out some unfamiliar #’s. 🙂

  7. Jacqui Murray

    June 26, 2016 at 7:11 am

    Very helpful. I never know how to get beyond #amwriting–now I do!

    1. S B Williams

      June 26, 2016 at 2:11 pm

      I know right? lol. Thanks for visiting

  8. lucciagray

    February 13, 2017 at 12:45 pm

    Thank you for sharing. I didn’t know some of these hashtags.

Comments are closed.

Sara Beth Williams