Tag: writing advice

  • Unorthodox writing advice

    Writing is one of those endeavors some people love, some people hate, and some people love to hate. You may have scoured the internet for writing advice, and stumbled here. My friends, Instead of the same ol’ same ol’ I bring you something new: 5 (not so) unorthodox writing tips…

  • How to finish your manuscript in 3 steps

    That’s right. 3 steps. You’re probably reading this thinking I’m off the wall crazy. So let me explain. The ideas that influenced one of my first complete novels, which I finished (first draft anyway) in 2014 and will debut in 2018, came to me in 2004/2005. I wrote several prologue…

  • When you have little time to write: 4 tips

    I’m married with two little girls who love to demand my attention. Sometimes I feel like I have three kids (we have a cat who’s equally demanding for attention. I’ve never met a cat so demanding. You thought I meant something else didn’t you? Maybe I did…lol) IF you feel…

  • Writing Tips From Neil Gaiman

    Some very fundamental writing tips from Neil Gaiman. Thanks McDongah for posting them. Her experience is also encouraging to anyone in that stage like me, trying to gather first opinions about their book.

Sara Beth Williams, Author