#WIPJoy is here! I love #WIPjoy SO much. It is part of what made me fall in love and realize […]
Tag: weekly wrap up
5 positive happenings: A birthday, an editor responses and $5 gift cards
#1 An Editor from Pelican Book Group has emailed me back “Everyone get up and dance!” She complimented my book, […]
Positive happenings: All about my kiddos
#1 My 2nd daughter turned ONE this week. And my oldest daughter turns 5 in September. I forgot about this amazing […]
Positive happenings #6: Bible verses, politics, music
The last week of June and the first week of July were rather terrible. Ugh. Sick children, and other […]
5 positive happenings #4: Celebrating 100 followers! and 2 blog giveaway books
Here are 5 positive things that happened over the week So I have 100 followers guys!!! I can’t believe […]
Positive happenings: Week 3
” Is it actually June already? I’m shocked at how fast this year has flown by. Positive stuff that’s going […]
5 positive happenings
Here are 5 positive things that happened over the week So my daughter loves Frozen. The other day, Let […]
5 positive happenings: Week 1
I have to admit. I can be…am….sometimes…a negative person. Blogging has actually helped me tremendously to practice more positive behavior. Transferring […]