Right about the time I had read through 3 chapters of my 2nd book, which I am working on editing/revising for #CampNaNo, I get an e-mail.
If you know me from twitter, you MAY have already heard the news. Well, here it is officially, I have been sent a request for a full manuscript for my FIRST book. (You can read that synopsis here). Wahoo! So hopefully this endeavor will work out better than the first one. But hooray!!! Celebration! Just sent the full manuscript out in the beginning of this week.
Now, I wait again. Good thing I’ve got Camp NaNo going on. Back to book 2 it is.
Speaking of book 2,
I’d love, love, love to find some beta readers. If you’re interested in becoming a beta reader for my second book, please keep reading!
Here’s the info you need to know about my book, and a short blurb.
Title: Still working on one… but you need to know it’s the 2nd book in my series.
Genre: Contemporary Christian Romance.
Disclaimer: There is domestic violence involved. You have been warned. If this is too uncomfortable for you, please don’t read this story. I won’t take offense. There is NO SEXUAL VIOLENCE involved.
Current word count: 87,000, although it will probably decrease by at least 2 to 3 K.
Ready for beta readers by: May (I’m hoping!)
Short blurb
Serena doesn’t want rescuing. She doesn’t think she needs rescuing, All she wants to do is get through her last year of college and graduate; it’s what’s expected of her. But her best friend Lacey, and Lacey’s brother Joel, see things differently. They watch helplessly as her toxic relationship spirals out of control, threatening her goals, stripping her of the very core of the Serena they once knew.
Never intending to do anything more than defend her against an abusive man who doesn’t understand the meaning of respect, Joel Bennett finds himself falling for Serena. But he can’t fall for her. That would be taking advantage of her vulnerability, something he’s dead set against.; He won’t make the same mistake his father made. A mistake that destroyed their family. An infidelity that landed his father in prison and resulted in his father and mother ending up alone.
But the more he gets to know Serena, the more he longs to toss away his reservations and pursue her properly. After the pain and heartbreak she endured, can Serena learn to trust again? Can Joel learn to trust himself to stay true to her alone, or is he just like his father?
If you’re interested in Beta reading, please contact me here, or on Facebook, or on Twitter. If you know anyone else who would be interested in reading this genre, please share, RT, pass on the info!
If you have beta read my first book, THANK YOU so much from the bottom of my heart. I’m going to send you all thank you cards one day soon. You have helped me so much in your encouraging words, and in your observations and suggestions.
Congratulations on the request for the full ms! That is awesome! Fingers crossed for you…. 🙂
Thank you so much!\
Congratulations again my dear! I hope that it all works out for you. I’d be happy to beta the next one, but I’m worried I might not have the time in May… Can I see where I am at the end of the month and let you know?
of course just let me know Faith. If you don’t have time until later, I’m totally flexible. All the beta readers from my first book were spread out so it’s no big deal as I’m still waiting on this publisher and all that. I just want to get it in front of people to see what they think is all. Also, it would be awesome to have repeat readers so they can tell me what they think from a series standpoint because that will help me. I’m afraid I might have some repeating scenes/settings that might be a little redundant. Anyway, we’ll keep in touch.