Positive Happenings #7: Pizzookies, e-mails from publishers


Lake Tahoe Sunset picmonkey

#1 So I sent out multiple queries to publishing companies in June. About 5 I think. I just received a positive response from one of the companies, requesting a full Manuscript. ‘HURRRRAAAAH”. I’m kind of in a state of shocked excitement.

#2 I learned how to play Backgammon. I tend to make it my goal to learn as many games as possible. I love card games and board games and this game is ancient so I’m excited I finally learned it. It’s pretty fun!

#3 I received my last book giveaway prize from a blog giveaway in the mail. YEY

#4. My husband’s birthday and party happened last weekend. My sister-in-law came to visit. I love her, she’s amazing. We were born to be sisters from different mothers πŸ™‚

#5 I made a pizzookie for my husband. Enough said. Β It was absolutely delicious.

What positive things have been happening in your life?



2 responses to “Positive Happenings #7: Pizzookies, e-mails from publishers”

  1. faithrivens Avatar

    So many amazing things. Congrats again on getting the manuscript request. A pizzookie sounds delicious. I’ve always meant to try one!
    Hope you’re having a good week πŸ™‚

    1. S B Williams Avatar

      You should try one. They are amazing. They’re quite easy to make too. I have a 10 in. round cake pan, but I did also try using a cast iron frying pan. You have to cook it longer in that, apparently. But restaurant ones are always delicious πŸ™‚

Sara Beth Williams, Author