Are you ready for Christmas? Wait it’s not December 1st yet? Aw…

I’m ready – I have a whole box of Christmas mugs just waiting to be brought down – but my Husband (I still love you) has strongly encouraged the family to wait until December 1st to bring out all the lovely decor. (Personally, I commence Christmas songs on Black Friday while I Christmas shop.)

I am excited to highlight an Anaiah Exclusive Christmas Novella, called My Christmas Hope, by Penelope Powell. Below you’ll find a cover, blurb and excerpt!!

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This cover cracks me up. It’s quite a different spin on the normal Christmas romance book covers.


Hope Langford has a penchant for festive trinkets and the determination to make every day count, especially when life can be so unpredictable. And when her newest neighbors arrive, she’s eager to meet them. But when a mishap prompts an early introduction, her friendliness is met with suspicion, and Hope realizes it might take a little divine inspiration to foster good relations.

Michael Hennessy is looking for a fresh start, and his eight year old son needs a little Christmas cheer. So when Hope offers to introduce Jimmy to some holiday fun, Florida style, Michael agrees to play along. Will the gesture mark the beginning of good neighbors? Or will a little faith reveal an even better gift might be in store?


“Jimmy, stop!”
Hope’s head popped up from her computer screen, and her gaze latched onto a little boy chasing an unmanned lawn mower down the slope of the yard next door and into her own. She’d have thought it comical if the mower wasn’t headed toward one of her favorite decorative grasses, and if the redheaded boy running after it wasn’t too young to be mowing in the first place.
“What in the world?” She jumped up and ran out the back door. If she hurried, maybe she’d be able to intercept them both.

She’d been curious when the house next door had finally sold, and when the moving truck appeared, she’d stopped working long enough to watch the movers unload a few pieces of furniture. That was on Friday. This was Wednesday, and she had yet to meet anyone who’d moved in, though there had been signs of life — a car in the drive — a small bicycle left out — and now, this debacle involving the little fella. She’d spied him playing just outside their garage on Monday, and someone had been inside the garage then, but Hope hadn’t been able to make out who it was.

She rounded the corner of her house but halted when she spotted the man who had to be the boy’s father. The top of his head was all she could see because he was leaning over the apparatus. But whenever he moved, sunlight picked up red highlights in his hair, making it blaze coppery, like a new penny. He’d already cut the engine, and was busy wrestling the mower from the tangled strands of what had once been a healthy plant.
She winced with every yank that revealed the carnage below. Her plant was a goner for sure.
“Not exactly a great start, kiddo,” the man muttered, directing a frown toward the boy standing off to the side with hunched shoulders.
She considered turning around but the boy saw her. She wandered toward them at a slow pace, hoping to avoid arriving in the middle of a scolding on their first meeting.
“This is exactly why you should listen—” Sighting her approach, his dad stopped fussing and straightened. “Hey. I’m sorry about your…” He frowned at the mess, but
the annoyance and stress of his earlier tone was already subsiding.
“Pink pampas grass,” Hope supplied, eyeing its remains.

My Christmas Hope is

NOW AVAILABLE on Amazon for Kindle 

It’s FREE for Kindle Unlimited!

About Penelope Powell

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Penelope grew up in Tennessee, but has lived in various states and a few countries outside the United States. She holds a BS in Business/Political Science and a MS in Multinational Commerce from Boston University.

After working in the field of banking and finance, she left to invest her time with her children at home, and occasionally worked as a substitute teacher. Today, she resides in Indiana with her family where she serves in her church, and occasionally teaches a Bible study or Precepts.

An avid reader of fiction and perpetual student of Biblical truth, she is pursing the life of a writer. She believes her roots, faith, and her experience with other places and cultures, all meld into the voice that splashes onto the pages of her novels.

A Powerful Voice and A Furrow So Deep are Christian Romances published through Anaiah Press, LLC. Along with her Christmas novella, My Christmas Hope.

 Follow Penelope on social media







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