#NaNoWriMo update

Word count update: I’m at 28.000 ish words. I would post Work in Progress excerpts, but first drafts are messy, awful things, and it changes every time I sit down and write. The goal for this November is to produce a draft of events in sequential order. Then I can work with it and hopefully produce something worth reading.

So. I just found another blog hop, which is awesome. I hope to post more regularly in order to build community, but life with two daughters is time-consuming.

WWW Wednesday: what is it all about?

All you have to do is answer three questions.

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

 If you have a bog, feel free to join in. Post your blog link in the comments below. Or if you don’t have a blog (or don’t feel like posting a link) just have fun answering the questions. 

Currently reading: I picked up Prom Impossible by Laura Pauling (Yes, yes, I know I’m SO over the age limit for YA lit, but the last book I read by Pauling had such a great message at the end of it. It wasn’t just some teen book about teen problems with teen solutions. Also, I am trying to read The voice on the Radio, another YA lit, a rather old one actually. As a teen, I read The face on the Milk Carton and loved it and I just recently found out that it’s a whole five book series! I never knew.

Recently finished: I just finished up two time traveling novels, which were both fantastic and fun reads. Heist, by Laura Pauling, and Today by Amanda Tru. Heist is a great Young Adult read, and discusses some thought provoking issues about life, and the message at the end is wonderfully refreshing. Today is actually part of a series of Christian Romance Suspense Time travel books and each book is better than the one before. I am looking forward to the next one.

I also finished reading a Frontier Christian book called Rocky Mountain Oasis. As much as I wanted to like the story, because the plot was pretty good, it was not well-written (ah, I hate when that happens!), and so I don’t recommend it.

What am I going to read next? I picked up a book by Nicholas Sparks. Sometimes his books are monotonous and too similar to one another. However, he is extremely successful for a reason and so I enjoy studying his works. (Is that weird? probably…)

Also, I am beta reading a novel by a Syrian Refuge. Exciting stuff 🙂

Blog Love: Shout out to Taking on a world of words for hosting this blog hop. I love building community and connecting with people and I appreciate those who take the time to post blog hop events.

So, what are you reading? What do you want to read? What books do you recommend? Leave a comment here or on Facebook and let me know. I love hearing from and connecting with other people. 

Happy reading 🙂

4 thoughts on “NaNoWriMo update and Blog hop fun

  1. Thanks for participating! I remember reading a few of the ‘Face on the Milk Carton’ books, but I’m not sure I made it through five, maybe three? Good luck with NaNo. I’m doing my own mini-abridged version starting next week. Happy reading and thanks for participating in WWW Wednesday!

    1. I think there’s a prequel thrown in the series?? I would have to go look at the book descriptions. Probably, some of them were written after I graduated High school 🙂

  2. Wait wait wait wait – you mean to tell me that The Face on the Milk Carton is part of a FIVE-book series??? I knew there were three of them because I read them way back when, but it’s longer than a trilogy? What a surprise! I remember it ending in a satisfying manner after the third, but now I might have to revisit it.
    As for age limits and YA – ignore them. If you like it, then read it. No shame, no apologies. It means there’s something in those YA books that’s good or speaks to you or both, and that’s a good thing.
    Here’s my WWW Wednesday: https://siderealday.wordpress.com/2015/11/09/www-wednesday-1111/
    Happy reading!

    1. I was just as surprised as you! I thought there were only 2 and I think I actually skipped one because Voice on the radio is #3 (did not KNOW!) Aha, thanks for the encouraging comments I appreciate it 🙂

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