My Book playlist: Music Monday

I have posted songs that have inspired me in the past, specifically songs that inspired me while I sat writing my first MS. While only a few hit me in the face like a blast of cold air, literally stopping me in my tracks, letting me know that ‘this’ song is meant to be associated with my book series, there are plenty of other songs that match the themes and messages that are weaved throughout my series; songs that relate directly to my characters’ situations.

So I created playlists of songs that could go along with each of my books. (There are 3). I thought I was totally crazy at first! Until I discovered that multiple authors actually do this all the time. Crazy but awesome. I’m so glad I’m not alone.

Partial Playlist songs I have posted so far can be seen here:

You are God alone: Phillips Craig and Dean

Forgiveness: Mathew West

Made new: Lincoln Brewster

Next on my playlist:

I am new: Jason Grey

Jason Grey singer is underrated. You don’t hear much about him, but the more I discover his music, the more intelligent, fascinating and enlightening I find his lyrics. You will hear more about him from me in the future.

If I could sum up Jay’s character in one song, this would be that song. Though the lyrics are vague, I think that gives it power to be applicable to a multitude of people, whether your past is really awful and terrible, or only slightly so. I love the chorus. It speaks of hope, of change, and even indicates that we’re being remade, not just once, but constantly.




Sara Beth Williams