Hey friends!

It’s that time again! I can’ hardly believe it’s actually round TWO. It’s all sort of still surreal for me at the moment.

If you’ve not heard through social media, or  via my newsletter, I’ve signed a contract with Anaiah Press for the sequel to When Hearts Collide!

When Hearts Collide + A Worthy Heart

Now, all I need is people to help me launch this book baby #2!

Here’s a short blurb about A Worthy Heart

When Serena finds herself trapped in an abusive relationship, she fears leaving will jeopardize her chances of graduating college. With the support and encouragement of Lacey and Joel, she takes the leap of faith and leaves her relationship. On her journey toward regaining confidence, self-worth and independence, Joel falls in beside her and encourages her every step of the way. Attraction sizzles between them, but both recognize the importance of taking things slow. Or so she thought. When their friendship crosses lines she’s not ready to cross, and her ex threatens to undo the fragile progress her heart has made, Serena must turn to a new, eternal source for the hope and satisfaction she’s spent her entire life seeking.

If you’re interested in joining my Launch Team, please fill out this form, and let me know how you’re able to contribute!  I’m looking for book reviewers, bloggers, and people to share like wild on social media.

If you missed out on all of this and you’re just now hearing about my signing a second contract, consider subscribing to my newsletter! It’s a great way to keep up to date on new release information, cover reveals, and all the fun stuff that happens behind the scenes BEFORE anyone else knows about it.

Other ways you can stay in contact with me

My Facebook Page

The best place to connect with me and stay well informed of what’s happening!

My Street Team

A fun team of fans who are interested in sharing in the experience of launching a new book! Here, you’ll be able to share fun book-related images about A Worthy Heart, and help to spread the news and cheer. You’ll also have exclusive access to cover reveals, excerpts, and giveaways!