it’s launch day for A Worthy Heart! The fact that I am launching a SECOND book is astounding, and shocking to me. It’s very surreal and probably won’t sink in til later.
i couldn’t have gotten through the first book, let ALONE the second book, without the help of so many people.
My mom, dad, brother, my editor, Kara Leigh Miller, and her team. All were pivotal in helping me release When Hearts Collide.
My dad is my biggest fan, and my 2nd biggest fan, is an old friend who lives 2,500 miles away. Regardless of the distance, she’s been my biggest supporter, best cheerleader, and great friend; she’s always ready to listen and help brainstorm/beta read
My third biggest fan, my long time friend Catherine, who passed out my card and book where we work, and talked about it to anyone who would listen. THANK YOU!
Another great beta reading friend who helped tremendously while I was revising the guts out of A Worthy Heart is romantic suspense author Jenn Pierce. Thank you friend!!
Thank you to everyone who signed up to read an ARC and share the excitement that is bursting within me. You are all amazing and I’m stoked. Thank you again! I’ll probably say it 10 times this week alone. ALSO thank you for putting up with too many e-mails!
Don’t forget, I’ll be making a bunch of blog stops in the next few months, as we launch this 2nd book baby into the world. Scan the list below, and also know that I may be adding to it later on!
For the love of books – Cover reveal – July 2nd
Christian bookaholic – BOOK REVIEW – July 9th
Cheyyenne – Interview + excerpt – July 9th
Inspired Prompt – Interview – July 13th
Hallee Bridgeman – Interview + GIVEAWAY – July 17th
Fiction Aficionado – Cover reveal – July 22nd
Tabitha Bouldin – Interview – July 25th
Inspired by Life…and fiction – Guest post + GIVEAWAY – JULY 26
My story, My way, An indie adventure – 5 SECRETS – July 31
Stories by Gina – Book review – Aug 5th
Jessica Baker – Guest post and excerpt – August 20th
Reading is my superpower – Interview + GIVEAWAY – Sept 4th
Stop on by any of the stops and check them out! I hope to see you there!
A Worthy Heart is available on AMAZON July 9th!
Joel Bennett has always known Serena Hayes as his sister’s gregarious best friend. In the three years since Lacey began college, Serena became a regular house guest, but lately, she’s absent more than not. When Joel discovers she’s in an abusive relationship, protectiveness from within roars to life.
With only a part time job to support her and nowhere to go, Serena fears leaving her current relationship would jeopardize her chances of graduating college. After a brutal attack leaves her no choice, she courageously moves out. On her journey toward regaining confidence, self-worth, and independence, Joel falls in beside her, encouraging her. The way he emulates Godly love and compassion draws her close—not just to him, but to the God who can satisfy her longing for love better than any man,
Attraction sizzles between them, but events from their pasts cast shadows of doubt.
When the unthinkable happens, can Serena open her heart to a second chance at love, or is she destined to be alone?
If you’ve not yet joined my newsletter, click below to join so you don’t miss out on updates about future projects, special sales, and giveaways (which I love). I”m stocking up on lots of paperbacks and cute goodies to give away so don’t miss your chance to win!