her one and only


Meet Dru Porter, former Marine, expert markswoman, and black belt—who also happens to be assigned as a bodyguard to star NFL tight end Gray Fowler. Gray starts receiving death threats from a stalker, and Dru is determined to find his stalker. Every secret that leads Dru closer to the stalker also draws her closer to Gray. As the danger escalates, they’ll survive only if they can learn to trust their lives—and their hearts—to one another.

My Thoughts:

This story capped off the end to a wonderful and romantic Porter family series. I love Becky Wade’s writing style. SO MUCH. It’s unique, bold, and literally flawless. Someone go thank her editor(s). The characters in this series are spunky, and each have their own individual personality, their own voice. That, and the romantic chemistry, and the added element of mystery in this story made this a page-turner for me.

It was great to see Dru all grown up and mature, yet still spunky, sarcastic, independent-minded. She never whined about being the last to find love. In fact, she really didn’t want to find love, she kind of fell into love accidentally. (Aren’t those the best stories!)

When reading Christian romance, I usually analyze two things: (okay, aside from the mechanics of writing, which I over-analyze). The romantic tension in this story drew me in. They didn’t want to end up in a serious relationship, which was fun of course, to read – and when they did end up becoming a couple, they both had different views of what a relationship should actually be. That was an interesting aspect to delve into. Some romance novels do not ever go there. Sometimes, stories depict two people who fall in love and seamlessly decide “Let’s get married.” Instead, there were layers to the characters here; deep emotional scars that blockaded their path to romantic bliss.

Secondly, I look for the spiritual aspect, when I read anything christian fiction. I found it fascinating that she picked apart Gray spiritually much more than she did Dru. It made me consider my own connection with God, examining whether or not there were any disconnects or any past circumstances that were somehow blocking the full potential that my relationship with God has.

Dru was a crazy teen/young adult during the proceeding books. Her story of how she reconciled with God after running away from him for so long was interesting, but too vague for my liking, and I wanted a lot more info, insight, knowledge, on the events that led up to it. But then again, that’s Dru, she doesn’t gush about her past ever. Haha!

This book is wonderful. Go read it. If you love romance, you’ll love this book.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to give a good review. 

Join Becky in celebrating the release of Her One and Only by entering to win her Porter prize pack and $100 cash card giveaway!

her one and only - 400


One grand prize winner will receive:

  • A copy of Her One and Only
  • A $100 cash card
  • Follow Your Heart tote bag
  • 24 oz Tervis Wonder Woman Tumbler
  • The Blind Side DVD
  • Necklace with star charm
  • Porter Family navy jersey
her one and only - prize collage


Enter today by clicking the icon below. But hurry! The giveaway ends on May 31st. The winner will be announced June 1st on the Litfuse blog.


About the author: 

Becky and her husband lived overseas in the Caribbean and Australia before settling in Dallas, Texas. It was during her years abroad that Becky’s passion for reading turned into a passion for writing. She published three historical romances with Avon Books, then put her career on hold for several years to care for her kids, then recently returned to writing sheerly for the love of it. She felt led to move to the genre of contemporary Christian romance and couldn’t be more thrilled with it.

Other books the Porter Family Series

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Before you go! Check out my book review for Undeniably Yours!

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