Realizing or recognizing poor writing issues and bad habits is easy. Resolving the issues on the other hand, is like […]
Category: Useful resources
How to take your writing to the next level Pt 1
Taking your writing to the next level is hard. Ask any writer who has been seriously pursuing writing for more than a […]
The Setting Thesaurus Books Are Here!!
Think of your absolute favorite story. What are some of the aspects of that story that you rave about to […]
Top 10 Twitter Hashtags for writers
If you are a writer, whether traditionally published, self-published, or still waiting to be published, Twitter is where you need […]
Rock your Revisions: essential books for editing
Finishing a draft for the first time (or even the third time) is like…breathing in fresh, mountain air; like winning […]
Finding photos: writing and blogging resources
Photos and images are essential for grabbing the reader’s attention, Posts with videos attract 3X more links than text-only posts. If you’re […]
The Plot Thickens: Essential books for writing
Most authors I know have an entire shelf dedicated to books on the craft of writing. There are plenty to […]
5 FREE online resources for writers
There are countless resources available to writers that you can purchase online or otherwise; from Scrivener, to multiple online forums, […]
Top 5 blogger resources: Writing/blogging resources part 1
Every new blogger wishes they knew more before they finally clicked “publish” on their first post – even those bloggers […]