Category: Debates
Planner or Pantser? (or both?)
Ah, the most fierce writerly debate out there. To plan or to pants your way through a book. Why it’s good to be a planner or a plotter Outlines give you the ability to know exactly where you’re going with your story You’re less likely to get side tracked, stay…
5 reasons why I love my ebooks: Writerly Debate #3
Writerly(/reader?) Debate #3: Ebooks or paperbacks For a long time, I just could not get into the idea of having an e-reader. I thought it was dumb, and a waste of money. Then I was gifted a Kindle and I have never looked back. Well, maybe a little. Sometimes. Reasons why…
5 reasons why I do NOT write chronologically.
Writerly Debate #2: To write chronologically or not When I say, ‘not chronologically,” I don’t mean writing in a disheveled illogical order on purpose and then sending that off to publishing. (I have read stories like that long ago and they were fascinating! Now that takes insane talent. What I…
Writing Chronologically Vs. Writing Out of Order
Great discussion and comparison on whether to write scenes in your books chronologically. or not. I personally don’t write scenes in order, but every writer, and every writing style is different 🙂