We are halfway done!

I am so tired… 

For those of you who have no idea what in the world Camp NaNo is, the website is here. Basically, Camp NaNo is like NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, which occurs in November) but much more organized. It’s happening right now throughout the month of April.

If you missed last week’s update, you can go here to find it.

So, how are things going?

“sprawls out on the couch”

I’m so dead exhausted…remember, I’m not exactly writing, I’m editing and rewriting. Sometimes that’s easy. Sometimes…not so much.

My Camp NaNo goals.

  1. To go through my current manuscript 2x (lofty goal, I know)
  2. To create a working timeline for this MS
  3. To use the timeline to address all of the continuity problems going on, which there are multiple, hence why I need to create a timeline.
  4. To write a synopsis.
  5. New Goal: to write a Novel Manifesto. What is that?? Check out K.M. Weiland’s article on writing a novel Manifesto. It’s fascinating. (I think I’m creating too many goals for myself…)

My Progress so far: 

Timeline and continuity: I have finally completed a timeline through the end of the book. Harder than it sounds, let me tell you. Goodness!

Synopsis: Yeah, I should probably work on that….

I’ve read and edited through about 15 chapters. Hooray! I’m making better time than I thought I would. This first pass is basically reading through and making comments for later.

So far, I’ve rewritten a total of 4 chapters. So: total Word Count written: As of last night is roughly 11,577 words. Give or take, considering I’ve also revised within the MS without keeping track…

My favorite lines from this past week!

From Chapter 11 –

“Most people, if you asked, had a preference when it came to camping. Matt didn’t care; camping anywhere—the mountains, the beach— always reminded him of God’s glorious and powerful creative hands at work.”

“All he could do was fall headlong into the depths of her light blue eyes. Until he heard his name clearly. And then her name.”

From Chapter 12 –

“Putting his hands to her face, he caught the tears in her eyes with his thumbs and then pulled her against his chest, resting his chin on top of her head for several silent minutes.”

Are you working on a WIP for Camp NaNo? How is your progress going? let me know in the comments!


4 thoughts on “Camp NaNo week 2

  1. Good luck! I did the November NaNoWriMo and was so exhausted halfway through that I came down with the flu (which helped me reach the goal as I was confined to bed). I don’t recommend that strategy. You’ve got some nice work happening. Keep going!

  2. I’m so exhausted too! I’m also editing my novel and it is not going nearly as fast and easy as I thought. I have a lot of plot holes to fill in yet and I’m hesitant because it means rewriting a lot of the novel! Ugh! The pressure! I like the novel manifesto link, I’ve never seen that before and think I might try it too… But not until after camp. Thanks for sharing!

    1. It is really neat. I think it’s a great way to really sit down and think about how you want your novel to come across to the world, what do you want your story to say, to convey? I think it’s a lot harder than it sounds hahaha
      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Wow! You seem to have accomplished a lot in the past few days! Congrats to you!
    I finally got up to Chapter 12 in my edits and I’m hoping to get through another five today if I can 🙂
    Also, those are such beautiful excerpts! <3

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