Camp NaNo Recap

Let’s recap all the insanity that happened in the last 30 days, shall we?

I got sick – twice

My daughters and husband also got sick, each on separate occasions.

We found ants in our kitchen, so I had to clear out EVERYTHING in the kitchen (this happened on the day I was sick) and then what do they do while we’re gone? Inject bait into the walls instead of spraying everything. “falls on floor”

I endured some nasty back pain  which kind of killed my motivation to write.

Okay, sorry, some good stuff happened, too!

…Somehow, I have THIRTY more blog followers?? What?? I also have 180 twitter followers? now??

My Camp NaNo cabin is awesome. Kind of quiet, but we all listen to each other and support each other. That’s cool, that’s what I want! Many of them went through insane ridiculousness too this month…

I joined a christian writer’s critique group on Facebook (something I’ve been dying to find)

I published my first guest author post.

And I have discovered just how insanely much needs to be rewritten in my third book. Better to discover it now, in the early stages, where I don’t technically have a deadline of some kind.

“Drum roll” 

I have rewritten up to 18,473 words!

I have decided to not write a synopsis until I finish rewriting the entire story completely.

Without Camp NaNo, I don’t think I would have made that much progress. A deadline, even one developed out of fun, spurs you on to write. There’s also tons of people doing the same thing you’re doing, even if their goals or their aspirations are different. Writers supporting  each other is immensely helpful, because, let’s face it…

No one understands what you’re going through except other people who write.

Now, for my newest excerpt, rewritten last night. Have I mentioned? I don’t think I’ve mentioned.I love my third book!! It is my favorite out of the three, and it’s unfortunate that everyone has to go and read through the first two before you’re able to read the third.

“sprawls on the floor” Why do I like my third book soo much?

Maybe because it’s the end of the series. The beginning of new things for some of the characters. It’s SO WEIRD saying that all now, when no one else has read Book 1 and 2. But those feelings right there, are EXACTLY what I want readers to experience.

Also – Maybe because I have a writer’s crush on my character, Matt.


Ahem. My excerpt. This is from Jenna’s POV. Not that anyone knows who that is yet. 🙂 But it helps to know that the POV is female.

When at last they reached his truck, he let go of her hand and leaned back against the front bumper, pushing his hands into the front pockets of his slacks. “I should go. I have an hour and a half drive,” He gazed up at the sky in the direction of the sun. She followed his gaze; a cluster of tall trees in the backyard of the house at the edge of the street blocked the sun’s rays.

“Okay,” She stood a few feet away and gazed back at him as he crossed his ankles, wishing, hoping, wracking her brain for anything that would make him stay longer. It occurred to her that they’d stood together in way too many moments like this—moments in which she wished time would stand still, moments that resembled a distinct marker in each of their paths, a fork in the trail. Every time their paths crossed or even paralleled, they would somehow end up at a fork and be forced to split ways.

She closed her eyes, inhaling a breath. When she opened her eyes, he rose, closed the distance between them, and pulled her against him, wrapping her in his arms for several heartbeats.

“swoon” Sorry 😀

How was your Camp NaNo experience?


4 responses to “Camp NaNo Recap”

  1. Brigid Gorry-Hines Avatar

    Aww, loved that excerpt. Really bittersweet. <3 Congrats on writing so much this month, despite the sickness and ant disaster! (We also get TONS of ants in our house during the spring/summer, it's so gross.) I also have gotten crushes on my own characters from time to time. *sigh* 😛

  2. faithrivens Avatar

    Congratulations for all these amazing accomplishments 😀
    Do I have to apologize for swooning too? I look forward to the day when I can read all your books <3

    1. S B Williams Avatar

      Thanks! Lol no by all means swoon away. My MC is a musician which is totally swoon worthy to me. I like all my characters but I think I like him the best. Funny since he started as a side character.

Sara Beth Williams, Author