Beautiful Books: NaNoWriMo is coming


A few days ago I sat on the couch and asked my husband if he knew what November was. He thought for a moment and said something along the lines of, “yes, it’s that month, National….writing….something…”

NaNoWriMo is here again and in my experience, I have only been participating about every other year. Although LAST YEAR I did NaNo in April (yes it’s a thing). Soo I suppose that counts for two years in one.

There’s also NaNo in July but dear Lord, I was so exhausted after April I definitely needed a very long break.

Anyway, onto the purpose of this post.


Beautiful Books is organized by Cait over at Paper Fury, and her friend Sky. My job is to answer 10 questions about the book project I’m working on for NaNo  – or just in general.

I have several projects I’m working on, but I think I am going to work on my YA action adventure novel called Crooked Island.

So without further adieu, here goes.

What inspired the idea for your novel, and how long have you had the idea?

This novel idea popped up several years ago, (um, 7 or 8?) It is a mash up between LOST, and Pirates of the Caribbean (totally my favorite fandom)

Describe what your novel is about!

A young boy (15) is given a map by his father and must protect it at all costs.

What is your book’s aesthetic?

Still trying to decide if the volcano is actually going to be important, but I do like the idea of having mountains of some kind on the island. 

Also, extremely important would be a TREASURE MAP of Crooked Island. But I can’t find a picture I like. I might have to draw one myself, I just haven’t had the time. Its name comes from its shape, not the ‘crooked’ pirates or other crooked people in the story :).

Introduce us to each of your characters!

My Main character: Manuel: 15, skinny but strong, black hair, Spanish. Works for his uncle aboard a fishing ship. Loyal, caring, driven, protective.

Eduardo: 20, strong, tall, tan, black hair, Spanish, son of a Merchant ship captain, currently working on that merchant ship. Very smart, but rebellious and selfish.

Diego: Manuel’s uncle. Spanish. Strong, broad shouldered, weathered fisherman, Manuel’s father’s brother. Has leanings toward greed and selfishness, though he’s been a family man most of his life. He owns his own fishing vessel and captains a team of men.

Armando: 18, Manuel’s cousin. Fisherman since he could walk, works for his uncle, strong, leans toward greed and selfishness

There are other characters, but I’ve had to completely revamp the story and so I’m not sure who all what characters are staying and going, except these ones.

How do you prepare to write? (outline, research, stocking up on chocolate, howling, etc.)

LOL. Well this novel leans toward the historical fiction genre so I’ve done hours and hours of research. This story takes place in the early 1600s or so, and what with the aspect of sailing, and survival in the wilderness, I’ve had my research cut out for me. Outlining for me definitely helps. The other thing that helps me prepare is to write a story with multiple characters is to do detailed character charts on every character I have. That way, I know everything I can about them. Of course, as you write, new things about your character emerge.

What are you looking forward to most about this novel?

I’ve already written this one out completely. The problem is, there’s multiple plot holes, lots of revision needed. I need to completely revamp the story and drop characters because there is an entire set of characters that have their own story and in the initial draft, their stories intersect. Now….I am not sure I want that to happen.

What am I looking forward to? finishing it? figuring out a plot that works? Actually, I think what I REALLY want to do is draw up a good old fashion treasure map. That’s what I’m looking forward to

List 3 things about your novel’s settings:

#1 The ocean #2 an uncharted island (yes, yes stop laughing) and on board a ship

What is your character’s goal and who/what stands in the way?

Manuel’s goal is to protect the map, and his secondary goal is to get home and make sure his mom is safe. Since certain people know he has the map, he’s worried that his family will be harmed. Several people keep trying to take the map from him.

How does your protagonist change by the end of the novel?

In the beginning, he’s rather trusting, despite the heavy burden of having to carry this map that he knows he has to keep secret. He’s also rather innocent. In the end…not so much.

What are your book’s themes? How do you want readers to feel when the story is over?

This is more of an action adventure, meant to be fun, exciting (hopefully!) I haven’t exactly thought of any deep, psychological underlying themes (unlike in ALL OF MY OTHER BOOKS lol) The one theme running through this story is that of trust. Who can Manuel really, truly trust? Can he trust anyone he comes in contact with?

You can totally visit other blog posts to check out more Beautiful Books by clicking on the link below! Also, if you want to join in too, answer the questions on your blog and post your link here!


So, are you doing NaNoWriMo? What project are you working on?

  1. Tracey

    October 26, 2016 at 3:11 pm

    Ships! Islands! Treasure maps! Adventure! I love the sound of this, and I highly commend you for delving into all the research a historical novel requires. (It’s that very thing that puts me off writing historical fiction, LOL.) Drawing maps is such fun. I drew a terrible one for my fantasy series, and then a graphic artist I know kindly prettied it up for me. ^_^

    But seriously, all the ship stuff is sooo my kind of thing to read. The instant a book mentions pirate ships (or something similar), I perk up. I’d love to write about that style of ship myself, but I don’t know a lot about sailing…or all the ship terms beyond basics like port/starboard/aft/bow (and also that “sheets” actually refers to ropes XD)…so it’s a predicament.

    I wish you well with Nano!!! 😀

    1. S B Williams

      November 1, 2016 at 11:04 pm

      well I am super excited that you like it! Thanks for dropping by and drop by more for more updates 🙂

    2. S B Williams

      November 1, 2016 at 11:05 pm

      i apologize for not approving and replying to your comment, my dad has been in the hospital for about a week now…sooo blogging has been non existent

      1. Tracey Dyck

        November 13, 2016 at 6:04 pm

        Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear that! I hope he’s getting better. (And I didn’t mean my second comment to rush you–I just wasn’t sure whether it had gone through or not.) All the best, Sara!

  2. faithrivens

    October 30, 2016 at 9:51 am

    My gosh, Sara! I am extremely excited for this story! And I’ve noticed a great coincidence: we both have characters named Armando!
    Good luck with NaNoWriMo this month 🙂

    1. S B Williams

      November 1, 2016 at 11:02 pm

      Ah I did not know that! Yeah I thought you’d be excited for it. I don’t know, this story is so different from the one that I started with several years ago. I still like it, but I am rather stuck with how to make it work now ‘shrugs’ I hope NaNo will motivate me to figure it out because I keep working on other projects in between and so with a more overall focus from the writing community maybe I can figure this thing out

    2. S B Williams

      November 1, 2016 at 11:03 pm

      I am really excited that you are excited for it though 🙂 Yey you’re a great writer friend.

      1. faithrivens

        November 2, 2016 at 7:59 am

        As are you, my dear 🙂 I’ve been blessed to meet you through the blogging sphere! I love discovering your stories! You have a lot to offer!

  3. Tracey

    October 31, 2016 at 5:59 pm

    I tried leaving a comment sometime last week, and it never showed up, so this is a test to see if this one works. If it does, I’ll be back to leave a “real” comment! XD

Comments are closed.

Sara Beth Williams