Welcome to the inaugural Back to School Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt stop #11! We hope that throughout this hunt, you discover some new books and get to know a little more about us.

A few things to note:
This hunt is a blog hop. Collect the “clues” (pieces to the longer phrase) at each stop. Enter the individual giveaways along the way, then click on the link to the next stop and repeat until you reach #28, where you will input the full phrase as your entry to the grand prize drawing.
The hunt begins August 30, 2023, at noon EST and ends September 4, 2023, so you have plenty of time to visit each stop. If you need to step away and come back later, make a note of the last stop you visited, and go to this post with the list of all stops on the hunt.
If you are having trouble viewing the posts, you may need to switch browsers. Chrome and Firefox sometimes work better than Microsoft Explorer or Edge.
I recently heard a radio morning show discussion about kids’ behavior during summer becoming ‘feral’ and thought that was hilarious. As an educator, I tend to have summers off as well, and yes, there is that deep desire to want to sleep forever and do nothing but watch TV (or write or read) all day long.
I love summer and all the fun things you can do with friends and family, and this summer, my daughter and I participated in a production of Frozen Jr., but there is a sense of calm when the routine of the school year returns.
I really enjoyed high school and college, and sometimes wish I could go back. I love learning, but what I really miss is the sense of community that can occur on a school campus, which is why my first three books focus on a group of six college friends who hang out together at school and church.
Church is another special and particular place to find community, and I love including aspects of church life and community in all of my books.
My newest novel, No Matter How Far, which releases today! features a hero who is an associate professor at the local theological seminary and a heroine who is working on her Masters in Nursing with a missional emphasis. This is a small town, opposites attract romance, part of a multi-author series. I had so much fun working on this project and I’m currently working on the next 2 books in the series.
Thanks for stopping by! In case you missed the clue, here it is again! “special and particular.”
Keep all your pieces together, and hop on to the next blog post in the series to find more clues. Don’t forget to enter the rafflecopter giveaway and visit the next stop listed below!
a Rafflecopter giveawayNext Blog Stop on the Back To School Scavenger Hunt:
Stop # 12 Connie Michael http://connie-avidreader.blogspot.com/