SOOO I totally thought I posted this last weekend, but it did not apparently make it out of my draft box. My apologies!!
My birthday happened over the 4th weekend in January and it was very pleasant and exciting to be able to spend time with people, some of whom I haven’t seen in a while. So I’m extending my usual list of 5 to make up for the missed post. Wow I’m just shocked it didn’t post. Oh well.
Some Positive happenings in my life
#1 It was my birthday. So that’s one thing to be excited about 🙂
#2 My dad’s health is finally improving. He’s had some significant health issues going on for the last four months, and now he’s back to his obnoxious self, which is a good thing 🙂 And he’s actively taking steps to keep himself healthy, which is AWESOME.
#3 I went to lunch with my mom, and some friends, and my dad as well (separately) so that was lovely.
#4 It’s #WIPjoy month, which I lovvvve. If you don’t know what that is, then check out THIS POST to find out more.
#5 I have some really awesome friends and family who are encouraging and generous. Even friends who live far away have been so kind lately and it has come as a wonderful surprise. You may know who you are, hopefully. If you’ve been generous to me, I hope to repay your generosity someday with my own when I can. Someday 🙂
#6 I was finally able to spend time with a friend I literally haven’t hung out with in 9 or so months.
#7 My dad took me to lunch – (and then of course the Packers promptly LOST :/. This is NOT one of the good things. But lunch was nice.)
#8. I was able to spend time with ANOTHER friend, and she came with my parents and my 2 girls to visit the snow in the mountains, something we have not done in YEARS. If you’re reading from outside of CA, California has endured a very significant drought and there hasn’t been much snow to speak of unless you wish to drive to the tip top of the summit. Now, however, due to this wonderful season full of rain, all we had to do was drive about an hour to find loads of snow to play in.
#9 A friend from High School took me out Saturday night (the weekend of my birthday) and we had a blast at this concert by an old school rock and roll band called Under the Streetlamp. It was freezing, and raining, but the concert was fun!
#10  I almost didn’t write this piece but  I’m just going to brag a little bit, hopefully not too much. I finally got a gift card in which to buy books with. Thank you! And to all of the others who read my blog who bought me gifts, thank you so much for all of those gifts.
What positive things are going on in your life?