Here are 5 positive things that happened over the week
- So my daughter loves Frozen. The other day, Let it Go came onto the Pandora station. (We play the kiddo station for her.) So she comes out of her room screaming “My favorite song!’ and starts singing “Let it go” at the top of her lungs. I stood in the kitchen laughing, while trying to tell her to not scream so loud at the same time.
- I had an interview for a job that will hopefully go through the summer. YEY
- My wonderful, amazing sister in law is graduating this weekend with an associates in Child Development. CONGRATS my friend. You are awesome.
- I finally finished beta reading a full length YA fantasy novel. YEY. Mostly I have beta read novella-length pieces, so it was interesting to beta read something full length.
- Apparently I won ANOTHER BOOK GIVEAWAY? That makes three, if you have been reading/following me. This feels unreal. I never win stuff guys.
I love these posts!
I feel like your daughter and I would get on very well. When I go for my walks, I tend to sing Let it Go at the top of my lungs ;P
Congrats to your sister-in-law. That’s a great achievement.
I hope everything works out for the job – as long as it’s something you would enjoy doing 🙂
And congrats again on winning the giveaway! I’m extremely happy for you!
Have a great week my dear <3
Thanks friend! My daughter is very social and sometimes it drives me crazy. It’s ironic b/c I’m like that too but at home, I want downtime. She never wants downtime lol. But she’s friendly and gets along with lots of people hehe